And the winner is… Team Sky challenge results

by Toby Bartholomew, on 3 Jul 2017 1 min read

Team Sky Open Innovation Challenge with Solverboard

It’s official - there are some serious creative thinkers out there. A staggering 317 ideas were submitted to Team Sky’s first open challenge on Solverboard, ranging from developing apps to filming races with helmet cams to fantasy cycling teams.

Following an intensive review process, the winning idea and two runners up have now been selected and the Solvers notified. They will be receiving their rewards shortly.


David Callan, Team Sky’s Head of Partnerships, praised the quality of every idea entered into the competition.


He said: “We were really impressed by the range of ideas submitted by our fans and enjoyed going through every single one. It was refreshing to look at cycling from a whole new perspective and the revealing process will definitely help us better target our fan engagement efforts in the future.


“Picking the winning ideas was very tough but the three chosen initiatives stood out for their unique creativity and fresh approach to the topic. We’re looking forward to exploring these concepts and thoroughly enjoyed working with Solverboard throughout the whole process.”


Charlie Widdows, co-founder at Solverboard, said: “Working with the creative and innovative people at Team Sky is a real pleasure and we’ve seen some great results from this challenge. We can’t wait to get on with the next ones!”

Topics:Idea ManagementSolverboard News