Innovation Insights

What’s your number one innovation blocker?

Written by Charlie Widdows | 13 Nov 2019

We’re surveying innovation leaders to find out what derails innovation in organisations. You can find the survey embedded below, we’d love to hear what you think.

We want Solverboard to solve as many real-world challenges for our users as possible. While we’ve been building the platform, we’ve spoken to countless innovation managers and leaders about the things they struggle with on a day-to-day basis.

That’s why we built Solverboard, after all. To solve your problems and make your lives easier.

It’s been a fascinating journey full of interesting conversations with interesting people. Now that the platform is built and we’re launching our exclusive early access invitations, we’re taking everything we’ve learned over the last few years and turning it into a report exploring the key blockers to innovation within enterprise organisations.

After all, who doesn’t want to know what their peers are struggling with and how they’re overcoming these challenges?

Take part in our ‘innovation blockers’ survey

We know that innovation is a complex and sometimes messy process, and progress can be hindered in a number of ways. Our research has already highlighted plenty of these blockers, such as measuring innovation value, getting management support and encouraging employees to embrace new ideas.

We want to see whether you identify with any of these blockers and surface other potential innovation hurdles. We’d really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes out of your day to share your thoughts in the survey below.

This is just the start of the conversation. We’ll be analysing all of the responses and publishing our findings, as part of an ongoing commitment to sharing innovation best practice. If you’d like to receive our interim report, just leave your email address in the final field in our survey. If you’d rather not, no worries, you can just leave that field blank.

Get exclusive early access to Solverboard

As mentioned earlier, the Solverboard platform is now finished and ready to use. We’re offering enterprise innovators the chance to get exclusive early access. But don’t hang around, we only have a limited number of places to fill and they’re going fast.