We’re powering Social Media Week Bristol

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 8 Nov 2016 4 min read

Hand holding phone - Social Media Week Bristol

Social Media Week is coming to Bristol, Solverboard’s home city, from the 14th to the 18th November 2016 - and we’re really excited to be powering some of the discussions. Social Media Week is a great to learn, exchange ideas and stimulate discussions - and we’re using our Solverboard Open tool to start the discussions this week, and carry them on after Social Media Week has finished.Coming to Social Media Week will give people the opportunity to hear from social media royalty at keynote lectures, attend knowledge building master classes and develop know-how at practical skill-up sessions.

There’s content dedicated to tourism, financial services, start-up’s/SME’s, employee communications, b2b, food and drink, the third sector and a mini conference dedicated to the power of mums and social media. Hot topics as broad as analytics, metrics, measurement, data science, strategy, storytelling, law, compliance and information security will be covered.

We’re going to be hosting Challenges on Solverboard specifically designed for anyone to join the discussion around specific topics raised for SMWi Bristol events.

People can contribute thoughts, ideas, information and comments and discuss them with other users on our open, collaborative platform, whether or not they are attending the SMWi events.

The specific Social Media Week challenges include:

  • The Opening Debate, with Bristol Media: this closed session will tackle the city’s future as a creative, digital and technology hub and look at issues such as talent and skills; promotion of Bristol as a creative hub and export opportunities beyond the region. Bristol Media will be using Solverboard to solicit contributions ahead of the session to be fed into the debate, so if you haven’t got a ticket you can still get your voice heard!
  • The Lunchtime Do Lectures – with e3 Media: We’re working with e3 to support the three Do Lectures by hosting Challenges where anyone can add comments, contributions and contributions ahead of the events, and facilitating a space to continue the discussion afterwards.
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