Innovation Insights

Understanding Open Innovation – where to start?

Written by Solverboard | 8 Jan 2016

If you’re already a fan of Open Innovation, or you just want to know more about it, there’s a huge amount of material you could read out there, ranging from case studies to how to guides and lengthy discussions and critiques.

Not a bad place to start, however, is Filiberto Amati’s useful overview of the academic background to Open Innovation, including how it evolved, what it consists of, approaches to governance, and practices that fall under its heading.

Amati also discusses how adoption of these Open Innovation practices (of which there are many) tends to be very selective, which explains why it can be confusing getting to grips with what Open Innovation really means.

As he says:

“The bottom line is that many firms have embraced certain aspects of Open Innovation more than others (e.g. inboud vs. outbound, co-creation vs. crowdsourcing, intermediaries vs. consortia), which is why our understanding of Open Innovation is limited by the point of view of our experience.”

So if you’re struggling to know where to start on your Open Innovation journey, you could do a lot worse than reading Amati’s post on the subject.