Stay hands-on for successful open innovation

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 6 May 2016 2 min read

Stay hands-on for successful open innovation.

Accenture’s latest research into implementing open innovation has been in the news this week. The survey examined 200 innovation collaborations (100 from the US, 50 in China, and 50 in India) to evaluate their approach and success.

The research threw up some interesting insights. One, highlighted by the authors in a Harvard Business Review article (but not outlined in the summary report), is that organisations where senior leaders are heavily involved in the process are more likely to achieve successful outcomes.

“in the most successful partnerships, senior company leaders identify the problems up front and solve them”

The report further identifies three key types of deficits that can derail the process (appreciation, assimilation and application), as well as putting forward a suggested model to address these deficits and help organisations succeed with open innovation.

It’s a short and thought-provoking read.

Topics:Creative ThinkingInnovation ConversationsOpen Innovation