Innovation Insights

Solverboard Social - first Challenge Themes now live

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 3 Nov 2016

Please note: in February 2018 Solverboard for Business became Solverboard Work, and Solverboard Open became Solverboard World. Find out more about these changes here.

We’re all really excited here at Solverboard today, as our first Solverboard Social Challenge Themes have gone live. Solverboard Social is all about harnessing the power of Solverboard Open to drum up ideas that will help to make the world a better place. We’re teaming up with some fantastic organisations, who already work tirelessly to improve life for all of us, to post Challenges that aim to help them achieve their aims.

The three themes we’re focusing on initially are:

Solverboard Social Challenges work slightly differently to normal Open Challenges. Once we have identified a theme we want to work on, we initially post a Research Challenge for Solvers to contribute thoughts, suggestions, signpost research or information, and discuss the topic with other Solvers. This helps us to frame our thinking on the topic, and engage with suitable partners to move to the next stage: Social Challenges on specific subjects or problems that need solving in the topic area.

So why not head on over to Solverboard Open to read the Research Challenge in each of the three themes and join the conversation - everyone is welcome. Use the discussion section for conversation around the topic with other Solvers, or post a contribution if you have more in-depth information to offer.

Alternatively, you can follow the conversation on Twitter using our Solverboard Social hashtags - #SolverboardSocialPlastics, #SolverboardSocialSME, and #SolverboardSocialSugar.

Let’s get Solving!