Size matters

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 11 Jun 2016 1 min read

Size matters - A variety of office windows in a large building.

This week, an article on Harvard Business Review caught our eye - it’s called  ‘Stop Saying Big Companies Can’t Innovate’ by Vijay Govindarajan, a Professor at Tuck School of Business.

Professor Govindarajan challenges the assumption often made that big established companies can’t innovate by virtue of their size or their past, and gives examples of a number of large firms that have successfully done so.

The examples are particularly interesting as they show the wide variety of approaches to generating innovation, from creating dedicated in-house teams or spin-off companies to partnering with smaller companies, emphasising that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to innovation.

It’s a short but interesting read - have a look here.

Topics:Creative Thinking