Open innovation in biopharma

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 8 Jul 2016 1 min read

Open innovation in biopharma - a potted plant

We picked up a useful guide published by Deloitte recently - published last year but still very relevant today:

“Executing an open innovation model: co-operation is key to competition for biopharmaceutical companies”

It’s a relatively short but punchy guide to why open innovation would prove beneficial to the industry, along with a clear explanation of the model. It also discusses the key types of innovation prevalent in biopharma and usefully maps them on a scale of openness so readers can assess their own organisation’s progress.

The report further examines five key elements of innovation - network characteristics, talent, IP management, participant impacts and governance and makes suggestions for actions organisations can take to move further towards an open model.

We think it’s useful for biopharma and unrelated industries alike - you can download the report here.

Topics:Idea ManagementOpen Innovation