Not sure where to start with Open Innovation?

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 15 Apr 2016 2 min read

Not sure where to start with Open Innovation? Front cover for IfM report.

If your organisation has not adopted open innovation as yet, it can be daunting to know how to implement it. It doesn’t just involve a change of processes, but a complete change of mentality as you move from a closed, secretive approach to your R&D to working collaboratively with individuals and organisations outside your own company’s boundaries.To help you on your way, The Institute of Manufacturing at Cambridge University produced a guide to implementing open innovation in 2009 which is still very relevant today. It includes discussion of the challenges faced by senior managers trying to implement an open innovation approach, as well as useful information about the importance of organisational culture.

It also features a great diagram showing how open innovation can work in practice:

The Institute of Manufacturing at Cambridge University's open innovation process

You can order the report for £50 or download it for free from the IfM website.

Topics:Creative ThinkingInnovation ConversationsOpen Innovation