Musing on the future of work - The C Suite

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 29 Jan 2018 2 min read

We've been thinking a lot about the future of work here at Solverboard - and last week's World Economic Forum reports provided a lot of food for that thought.

The WEF's Eight Futures of Work scenarios were particularly interesting, so I wrote a little something for the C Suite on the subject.

The Future of Work

January is a big month in Davos. Not only do the world’s economic and political leaders descend on the town armed with snow boots, fleeces and white passes for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, but it’s also when the WEF issues some of its key reports about the future of work. (I suspect Christmas is not the time to take long holidays at the WEF.)

It’s striking that more than ever before; this year’s reports have focused on what the long-term future of work can and should look like. The Eight Futures of Work white paper creates possible future scenarios based on combinations of just three of the volatile drivers of change our world is currently experiencing.

The full post was sourced from but unfortunately the site is no longer working.

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