Innovation Insights

Mothers of Invention: Episode 6 – Have we learnt from COVID-19?

Written by Solverboard | 3 Jun 2021

“Somebody said to me, change happens slowly and then all at once. The zeitgeist before this was moving towards sustainability, thinking about how we work better, and innovation. If this doesn’t give it a massive great shove, then I’ll be really disappointed!”

Innovators, entrepreneurs, consultants, founders and business owners discuss the impact of COVID-19 on how we do business and whether we’ll be able to implement lasting positive changes as a result.

In this episode, we hear the group discuss the opportunity to become more human-centred in our approach to business, how the pandemic has impacted leadership and inclusion culture, and whether the pandemic has made us more authentic – and that’s just the first five minutes!

Now that life as we know it has been thrown out of the window, can we begin to make the unimaginable happen? Can we keep our ‘diversity of perspective’ and continue to look at life differently once we go back to normal? Can we get better at prioritising our time, or will we fall back into old habits?


  • Charlie Widdows, Co-founder at Solverboard
  • Cecilia Thirlway, Innovation Consultant
  • Greg Smart, CEO at 500 More
  • Phillipa Haynes, Brand Strategy Consultant
  • Marissa Ellis, Founder & CEO at Diversily
  • Marc Woodland, Managing Director at Future Content
  • Katharine Allan, Founder at KSK Consulting

Mothers of Invention started as a support network for businesses responding to the pandemic. As we helped each other, we realised that our experiences could help others, so we decided to turn these Zoom meetings into podcasts.

Note: this is a recorded Zoom conversation so will have some background noise.

Check out other Mothers of Invention podcast episodes here