Innovation Insights

Making open innovation work for large and small

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 27 May 2016

There are so many different approached to innovation in organisations. We take a look at how you can make open innovation work whatever your size.

As with many other approaches to innovation and management, it’s tempting to think that open innovation can provide an easy answer to organisational challenges. But we know that in practice, there are never any easy answers.As open innovation gathers momentum as an organisational approach, attention naturally turns from the initial ‘what is it’ question to the all-important question of ‘how do we make it work in practice?’. As part of our support for all our customers, we have started reviewing the emerging evidence on how to make open innovation work (beyond using Solverboard Enterprise, of course!), so thought it might be handy to post some of the articles we’ve come across here for you all to enjoy.

We’ve also noticed two events running in London in June on the subject of open innovation that look particularly interesting - we’re going to try and go along, maybe we’ll see some of you there? Details below.

A few interesting articles:
