Introducing: Solverboard’s Standing Ovation!

by Aaron Slater, on 16 Dec 2020 1 min read

Standing Ovation fireworks

We’re recognising the awesome work of enterprise innovators around the world. Make your nomination today.

Being an enterprise innovator isn’t easy.

Challenging the status quo. Embracing the unknown. Winning hearts and minds over to the cause.

The business world talks a lot about ‘innovation’, but it rarely shines a light on the innovators themselves. And when it does, it tends to focus on superstars like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.

But it hardly ever recognises the hard work of everyday innovators: people inside large organisations who are on the ground, making things happen, day-in and day-out.

That’s why we’re launching Solverboard’s Standing Ovation!

It’s an annual opportunity to recognise the efforts and achievements of enterprise innovators around the world.

We’ll be choosing a few of our favourite people to feature, but we want to hear from you as well.

You can nominate someone in your business, someone you follow on social media, or someone you’ve never met but who you think is awesome.

In the new year, we’ll publish a piece rounding up all of the nominations and showering enterprise innovators with the recognition they deserve.

In the meantime, you can use the form below to make your nomination.

We can’t wait to see who you guys pick, and thanks in advance for getting involved.

Topics:Solverboard News