Innovation Insights

Introducing Solverboard Social – harnessing open innovation for good

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 12 Aug 2016

Please note: in February 2018 Solverboard for Business became Solverboard Work, and Solverboard Open became Solverboard World. Find out more about these changes here.

We’re pretty excited about the next development on our Open platform, and we hope that you will be too.We know that open innovation has a great track record in solving some of the world’s problems, whether large or small. So as well as helping organisations build their own innovation eco-systems with Solverboard Enterprise and Partner, we’re also going to be harnessing the power of Solverboard Open to drum up ideas that will help to make the world a better place.

We’re going to be teaming up with some fantastic organisations who already work tirelessly to improve life for all of us to post Solverboard Challenges that help them achieve their aims – for example by asking for ideas to create a cleaner environment, improve our health or create more opportunities for success for everyone.

We’re calling this initiative Solverboard Social and we need you – Solvers, partner organisations and individuals – to get involved, whether by working with us to create a Challenge, making some noise about the Challenges, or submitting solutions – or all three!

So if you work for an organisation that has some tricky problems to solve to make the world a better place, please get in touch at to talk about whether Solverboard Social can help. We can define and post the Challenge for you and make the whole process as easy as falling off a log.

And if you’re itching to help, then sign up as a Solver to receive emails from us, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to see updates when the first Solverboard Social Challenges are live.