Introducing our limited preview beta: get early access today

by Phil Atherton, on 9 Dec 2019 2 min read

Solverboard trophy drawing

We've made it! We’re excited to invite the first organisations to use Solverboard – the new platform for enterprise innovators.

Research from McKinsey has shown that more than 90% of executives are unhappy with their organisation’s innovation performance. Globally fewer than half of all innovation products make it to market.

Solverboard is being created to help businesses to innovate better. The stats have told us action is needed, but to actually help improve innovation performance we first need to understand – what is blocking innovation?

The Harvard Business Review recently ran an article on how organisational inertia is stifling innovation. Over the past year we’ve learnt first-hand the impact this culture is having on innovators.

We’ve spoken to countless innovation leaders about their day-to-day struggles. It’s been fascinating – many of the same frustrations have come up again and again.

The issue, it seems, is not with how many innovative ideas people and organisations are having (they are having a lot), but with both the culture in which they are trying to make these ideas happen, and the lack of tools available to them.

Struggling to measure and prove the value of innovation is one example. These challenges may seem every day, but they can have a huge impact on our economy and on society.

This is why Solverboard is no longer just another idea management service – because of you.

You’ve answered our difficult questions. From deciding which ideas to turn into valuable, new, and inspiring products, to sharing your biggest innovation challenges.

We’ve set out some of the key lessons we’ve learnt in a report that will be published very soon. If you haven’t taken part there’s still time to do this here.

Through these conversations, it has become apparent that the tools you need to overcome your innovation blockers don’t exist.

So, we started building them.

We’ve continued to involve innovators to make sure we create the tools that will actually help you to innovate better. Combining our expertise in technology and customer experience we’re confident we’re on the right track.

The result is a platform where (we’ve been told) you’ll want to be. A place that invites you in, that fosters collaboration and engagement.

The technology we’ve built is API first, so the platform can be integrated with the tools you’re already using. The platform responds to what you want to do with your data, and allows you to easily present the ROI of your innovation projects to others in the business.

Innovation can lead to improvements in sectors such as healthcare, engineering, science, technology; it could even hold the answer to environmental issues and make us all more sustainable. Solverboard can help solve the world’s biggest challenges, and we think it can solve yours too.

But don’t take our word for it – come and see for yourself. We can’t wait for you to join us on our journey.

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Topics:Solverboard NewsInnovation Management