International research collaboration - new report

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 27 Jun 2016 2 min read

International research collaboration - new report. An aircraft engine.

With rather ironic timing, the Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills released a report last week on international research collaborations.The study critically examined:
  • where UK academics involved in manufacturing research are collaborating
  • why partners from different locations are brought into the collaborations
  • what types of activities academic and industrial partners from different locations perform
  • what factors act as barriers or enablers to making them work

The factors for success make for interesting reading, highlighting a number of crucial issues such as negotiating appropriate IP agreements and levels/restrictions on funding. Particularly relevant to the current EU furore, visas and immigration regulations were also factors mentioned in the results of the survey as potential barriers to successful collaboration.

You can download the report from the IfM’s website.

Topics:Creative Thinking