Innovation Insights

Innovation policy - some useful resources

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 16 Jul 2016

Getting innovation going in your organisation is one thing - but there is a lot that can happen at the policy level to promote and foster innovation, from grants for R&D work to providing research, analysis and expertise.

It’s therefore good to keep an eye on what’s happening, policy-wise. Given all the changes in government lately, one could be forgiven for being a little confused about what is happening to some of the familiar key organisations.

So here’s a few useful links and resources to help you navigate the confusion:

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (shortly to become Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) - and a speech given by Jo Johnson to the Wellcome Trust on 30 June that promises continued commitment to the changes already set in motion.

The National Innovation Plan - due to be published shortly.

Innovate UK - the UK’s innovation agency, an executive non-departmental public body, currently sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills. Innovate UK will soon be merged with the Research Councils to become UK Research and Innovation.

Research Councils - The seven Research Councils fund basic, strategic and applied research, support postgraduate training (PhDs and masters students and fellows) and provide services to support the research community. Soon to be merged with Innovate UK.

Nesta - an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life. Activities range from early stage investment to in-depth research and practical programmes.

Cambridge University’s Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy - carries out applied research into processes and practices for translating publicly-funded R&D (in particular science and engineering research) into new technologies, industries and economic wealth.

These are interesting times for innovation policy, so we’ll be keeping an eye on all these over the coming months.