Innovation Insights

Innovation Blockers Survey 2020: what's stopping you?

Written by Charlie Widdows | 17 Jun 2020

We’re surveying innovation leaders for our second annual report. What derails innovation in your organisation?

If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions – Albert Einstein

The first step to overcoming a challenge is to understand what the problem is that you’re trying to fix. That’s why last year Solverboard released its first innovation blockers report, looking at five of the most common challenges organisations and entrepreneurs face when leading change, transformation, or innovation projects. 

Since this report was published in December 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic has thrust innovation into the spotlight. Entire sectors are looking for new ways of working so that they can continue to reach their customers.

Innovation leaders are feeling the pressure and they are speaking out more than ever about the challenges their organisations are facing – and many of them have spoken to us. Through these conversations, we have highlighted five new innovation blockers. 

Now we’re looking for innovators, change and transformation leaders and entrepreneurs to vote on which of these challenges they struggle with most and what solutions they or their organisations have found to overcome these blockers. 

The results will be collated into a report including the top five challenges – in the order in which they were voted for – plus advice on how to begin overcoming them.

Take part in our ‘innovation blockers’ survey

It takes five minutes to take part in the Innovation Blockers Survey 2020 - simply fill in the survey below. Please leave your email address if you’d like to be sent the final report.

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