Everything begins with an idea – new Solverboard Feature

by Toby Bartholomew, on 7 Jul 2017 2 min read

Google And The Corporate Innovation Dilemma

Every day, thousands of ideas might be going to waste in your organisation. We designed Solverboard to help organisations engage their people and generate ideas around business challenges – but just as important are the random, wonderful flashes of insight that your people have on a daily basis. Our new Ideas feature is designed to help you capture and develop these into real innovation value.

In a few clicks, your people can post new ideas, opportunities and innovative thinking that would otherwise be lost. Your community can discuss and vote on the ideas, helping you identify opportunities and inspire your team for new projects.

We’ve made it so easy to use on the Solverboard cloud platform that users can post ideas on the Solverboard cloud platform from home, their desk, or on the move with any mobile device.

New Feature - What You Need to Know:

Feature name


When will it be live?

Ideas is already live for all new Solverboard for Business signups, and will be live for existing customers from Monday 10 July.

Where do I find it?

The Ideas section will appear on the top menu of Solverboard dashboard for all users and administrators.

How does it work?

Solvers click Ideas and type their Idea into the text field and click Submit to publish it on Solverboard. Other Solverboard users can upvote or discuss submitted Ideas. For more info, check out our help file.

Please note: in February 2018 Solverboard for Business became Solverboard Work, and Solverboard Open became Solverboard World. Find out more about these changes here.

Topics:Idea ManagementSolverboard News