e3′s four models of innovation - and how we can help

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 12 Sep 2016 2 min read

E3 white paper on innovation models

Our near neighbours, digital marketing agency e3 media, have been running a series of events around innovation recently, talking to executives from companies as diverse as Vodafone, Unicef, AXA and HMV about what innovation means to them, and how they go about encouraging it. (Innovation is an strong area of focus for e3, which has recently acquired a majority stake in innovation consultancy London Strategy Unit.) Following on from these events, e3 has just published a white paper summarising the key themes that emerged from the discussions. The paper contains some interesting points, including a discussion of how customer experience contributes to perceived value, as well as short case studies from companies such as Audi, Marriott, and Hilton.

Most relevant for us is the section dealing with four models of innovation - internal competition, individual catalyst, outside-in, and the lab. All four models involve a collaborative approach to one degree or another (yes, even the individual catalyst - no man is an island) and we know that using an innovation platform such as Solverboard can really help to support and manage all four models, whether you’re working with just your own people, in the confines of a lab, or building a fully open innovation eco-system with partners, suppliers and the general public.

You can find out more about Solverboard and how it can help you kick start innovation in your organisation, here.

Topics:Creative ThinkingIdea Management