Creating the Solverboard ecosystem

by Solverboard, on 8 Feb 2018 2 min read

Solverboard screenshot

Today our core business tool, Solverboard for Business, got a host of updated features as well as a fresh new look and a new name: Solverboard Work. But that’s not all that’s changed: the new Solverboard Work is just part of our Solverboard ecosystem of tools, designed to allow organisations to access the human intelligence of their people, their network, and the world.

The ecosystem combines the unique features of the Solverboard Work platform to engage employees and their wider network of suppliers and partners together with our open innovation site Solverboard World (formerly Solverboard Open). This means organisations can tap into ideas, thinking and contributions from wherever suits them best.

Today’s organisations face some fundamental challenges: the exponential growth of knowledge and data; technological advances such as AI and robotics; new ways of thinking about collaboration, creativity and productivity; the economic and social challenges of an ageing population in certain countries, combined with the emergence of new and powerful economies in others; and the fundamental challenge of building a sustainable future for all.

We believe that the solutions to all these challenges, and more, lie in the disruptive, imaginative, collaborative, creative, ingenious, inspirational, illogical, emotional brilliance of the human mind.

We also believe that the future belongs to organisations who know how to interrogate the world’s knowledge effectively, and enable their people to act on it decisively.  That’s why our tools are designed to help any organisation find, create and collaborate on ideas, from initial concepts through to fully realised innovation.

To find out more about how the Solverboard ecosystem of tools can help your organisation create value from ideas anywhere in the world, please get in touch!

Topics:Creative ThinkingIdea ManagementSolverboard News