Innovation Insights

Contest Challenges, Showcase and Teams – new Standard price tier

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 22 Oct 2017

We’re doing a dance of joy over at Solverboard, as our new Standard package is now available for all existing and new customers.

The new Standard price package includes:

  • All features currently in Solverboard Starter, including the ability to set Quick and Detailed Challenges, submit Ideas, and access to the Solverboard Analytics Dashboard, PLUS
  • two new Challenge templates – Contest Challenges, where Solutions are hidden from all except the Challenger, for competitive situations; and Poll Challenges, for asking your Solver community a quick question with multiple choice answers.
  • The ability to set up smaller teams within your organisation’s Solverboard to focus on different innovation projects (read more about the composition of an innovation team here)
  • A new Showcase section, for surfacing interesting technologies, services or solutions to the whole Solver community to stimulate ideas and creative thinking
  • And coming soon, in-app messaging means Solvers in the same Solverboard community will be able to collaborate directly with each other within the platform.

The Standard package is priced at £2 per active user per month and is available now.

Existing customers can upgrade from within Solverboard by going to their organisation’s Settings and choosing the Subscription tab.

But if you’re not already a Solverboard customer and would like to take a look at the Standard version, you can try it – or the Starter package - free for 30 days.

Or drop us a line if you want to know more!