Coming to the Chief Innovation Officer Summit? We'll be there!

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 13 Apr 2017 1 min read

Solverboard stand

If you're coming to London for the Chief Innovation Officer Summit on 25-26th April, then look out for the Solverboard stand, number 9 in the Exhibition Room - we'll be there and ready for a chat!

The Summit brings together "the most dynamic minds in business", by which we think they're almost certainly referring to our Customer Success Manager Aaron - pictured above looking dynamic ? .

In all seriousness, there are some fantastic speakers at the event, including senior innovation people from YouGov, the Cannes Lions, GE, Imperial College and GE, and it promises to be a really inspiring couple of days.

Come along to the Solverboard stand to meet Aaron and Toby, see a demo of the Solverboard platform, and to find out more about how we can help unlock the creative potential of your people.

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