Innovation Insights

Bye Bye Beta

Written by Cecilia Thirlway | 20 May 2016

Today is a REALLY exciting day for Solverboard, as we are proud to announce that we are officially out of Beta!

We’ve fully tested the way Solverboard works and are confident that we’ve ironed out any wrinkles in the process, as well as any technical tweaks that needed to be made.

As part of moving to live operations, we’ve made a few really important and exciting changes:

- We’ve launched our new Enterprise version of Solverboard, for organisations to build their own innovation eco-system, whether just for their own employees or with partners, suppliers and other organisations as well.

- Solverboard Enterprise is available at three levels, from a cloud-based software as a service model to your own white-label self-hosted version.

-  Alongside this launch, we’ve made using our Solverboard Open completely FREE for all Challengers. Now, the only cost for using Solverboard Open is the Reward you pay your successful Solver.

-  If you’re a Solver, some of the Beta challenges are still live and have been extended, so get Solving if you haven’t already submitted a solution. Plus we have two new challenges including one from one of the world’s leading engineering businesses, the Weir Group.

We’ve been overwhelmed by all the support and feedback we’ve had so far so thank you to everyone out there in the innovation community. Why not read what founder Phil Atherton has to say on his LinkedIn post while just go and have a little lie down to recover…

Please note: in February 2018 Solverboard for Business became Solverboard Work, and Solverboard Open became Solverboard World. Find out more about these changes here.