A new home for Solverboard Open

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 27 Oct 2016 3 min read

A man sitting in a cafe

There have been big changes here at Solverboard Open. Find out more about the new features and the introduction of Solverboard for Business.

There’s been some very exciting changes here at Solverboard, which some of you might already have noticed. If you’re one of our customers or one of the thousands of registered Solvers across the world, you should already have received an email about these changes – but just in case, do read on.

Solverboard Open has moved

The most important change is that Solverboard Open, our free-to-use open innovation platform, has moved to https://open.solverboard.com/. Solvers’ login details, profile and connections all remain exactly the same, you just need to use the new address to reach us, so please update any bookmarks or links you have set up.

For example – if your profile was previously at https://solverboard.com/profile/5 it is now https://open.solverboard.com/profile/5.

https://solverboard.com/ is now home to the Solverboard for Business family of products - Solverboard Cloud, Solverboard Enterprise and Solverboard Partner (see below for more details).

Please Note: any links in emails we sent out before the change WILL NOT work, so when you need to access any part of Solverboard Open, the best place to start is https://open.solverboard.com/.

Why have we made this change?

As our products evolve and go from strength to strength, it’s become increasingly important to separate Solverboard Open from our business products: Solverboard Cloud, Solverboard Enterprise and Solverboard Partner.

Solverboard Open will remain focused on and committed to Open Innovation, allowing anyone in the world to contribute to public challenges, whether for rewards from commercial organisations, or to help make the world a better place with Solverboard Social. So please keep contributing, discussing and Solving on https://open.solverboard.com!

Solverboard for Business

https://solverboard.com is now the home of our business-focused products: idea management platforms that unlock the potential in organisations by uniting people’s thinking around key projects and challenges.

This is where you can find out more about our incredibly cost-effective and easy to set up software-as-a-service (SaaS) option, Solverboard Cloud, or our enterprise-level versions Solverboard Enterprise and Solverboard Partner.

If your organisation could benefit from making more use of the ideas and potential of its people, then why not take a quick tour of the Solverboard for Business product family and see which one is right for you.

We’re very excited about what this change means for our customers and our Solver community - let’s #getpeoplethinking!

Please note: in February 2018 Solverboard for Business became Solverboard Work, and Solverboard Open became Solverboard World. Find out more about these changes here.

Topics:Solverboard News