Innovation Insights

A manifesto for open innovation

Written by Solverboard | 15 Oct 2015

Welcome to Solverboard. We’re starting something a bit different – a Solution Revolution, if you will.

The way we work is changing. People want to work at different times. They want to be more fluid about where they work from and how they go about their daily business.

Experience is at a premium and the workforce knows this.

They want to dip in and out of the things that really challenge them. Stay on point. Stop parts of their brains from shutting down when they’re hunched over a spreadsheet or a timing plan delivering the same thing again and again, every single day.

And businesses’ needs are changing too.

New challenges get faced daily and businesses need to spend the time they have in the right way.

‘Time poor’, that’s what we keep hearing.

Those that survive adapt to new ways of working. They’re letting people into their businesses in interesting and exciting ways; tapping into the hive mind to drive rapid innovation and stay ahead.

Everyone knows that when the right people with the right experience focus on the right things at the right time, magic happens.

So we created Solverboard, and we’re on a mission.

A mission to mobilise a global movement of problem solvers and harness it into a mighty force for good.

To challenge normal, killing problems as we go.

To see and connect real potential

Mostly though, we want to help businesses tap into this solver force so they can keep momentum, be agile and continue to push the boundaries of what they think is possible.

We believe that for every problem there is someone who can solve it.

We believe Solverboard is the solution.

Come on in and join the fun.