A fair day’s pay

by Cecilia Thirlway, on 26 Feb 2016 2 min read

A fair day’s pay - two men arm wrestling.

Here at Solverboard, we feel strongly about intellectual property, and the rights and ownership of Open Innovation. This is what we're doing...

We’ve always felt strongly about intellectual property (IP) here at Solverboard. Without strong controls in place to protect people’s creative innovation work, the risk with open networks is that the larger organisations are able to exploit or dominate smaller ones.As we discussed in an earlier post, Henry Chesbrough is very clear that Open Innovation should be a win win situation for all parties, and we’ve always felt that being clear on intellectual property rights and ownership is a key element in achieving that ambition.

So it’s good to see this blog from Fortune 500 IP lawyer Michael LoCascio outlining his view that

“intellectual property is the key requirement to effectively promote and execute an open innovation development effort”

and that

“it is a basic requirement for any successful open innovation programme to establish the principles of value capture up front”

As we emerge from our BETA stage we’re still gathering feedback and refining the principles that govern our rewards, with the aim of making sure that each and every Solverboard member receives what they need, whether as a Challenger getting new ideas and solutions, or Solvers being properly paid for their effort.

(p.s. we know that you need to take a deep breath before diving into some of the longer sentences on that blog post - but we promise they’re worth it!)

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